Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Day 7- August 31st

Little Kenron is 1 week old today! We all feel so lucky to have had this guy with us for 7 whole days. He truly has touched each of our hearts and we don't know what on earth we would do without him! He has improved so much in the past 7 days. Some days it's hard to believe that he was born 8 weeks early. Kenron's biliruben levels went down again so he was able to come off of the bili lights. He has his eyes open a lot more and we're so glad they don't have to be covered with his little batman mask. They will check his levels again in the morning to see if he needs to go back on photo therapy. He had a lot of air in his tummy this morning so the nurses had to artificially burp him. He got his test results back from the head ultrasound. They rate the babies between a 1 and a 4- 4 being the most blood in their heads. Kenron was at a 1 which means there is a little bit of blood but it is not in his brain tissue so they will wait 30 days and do another ultrasound. The doctors bumped his feeding up to 31 ml. He is loving all the food he is getting. He weighs 3 lbs 11 oz today. Dana got to hold and kiss him a bunch before she had to leave. She had to return to Duchesne to finish up a few things for her dance classes. She will come back to be with Kenron on Wednesday. The doctors took his IV completely out and the nurses said he has been so happy since it's been gone. They even claim he has been giggling and laughing a bit. Grandma Karen and Aunt Brit spent the day with Dana and Kenron and then went to Duchesne with Dana. Kenron is sure going to miss all his visitors but he is looking forward to some uninterrupted sleep.


  1. I miss him SOOOO much. I can't believe how much he has changed in just the few short days that I haven't seen him. What a beautiful baby.

  2. How precious. I agree with you Julie, he is a beautiful baby. I am glad he is a fighter. Congratulations Todd and Dana.
