Friday, September 10, 2010

Day 16- September 9th

Kenron had a big day today. He is still gaining a little weight and was up to 4 lb 4 oz. today. His feeding has been upped to 35 ml and they are adding 24 calories to his milk. He has been breastfeeding with mommy and depending on how tired he is has been doing really great. He doesn't do much eating when he is tired but as long as he is awake and alert they figure he is getting enough for a full feeding. Great job Kenron! Kenron lost his umbilical cord today so he's started to get a real belly button. haha He did pretty well at maintaining his own temperatures today. He just needed to be bundled up in warm clothes, blankets and his hat. We're just glad he's doing well enough that he gets to be in a crib instead of his incubator that maintained temps for him! Today was the first time he got to wear his own PJ's and his own hat (that Aunt Halle made him) as opposed to the ones provided by the NICU. It's fun to dress him in his own clothes that were picked out with him in mind. Kenron did have a desat today. After he had eaten and Dana was still holding him- the nurse had to come in and get him to start breathing again. His oxygen and heart rate had both gone down. The nurse said he could possibly have reflux and perhaps he was holding his breath to block his air way from reflux (which is a good thing for him to do) but that could have been the reason he also stopped breathing. They are going to continue to watch him closely.

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